Resources you need to get the job done
From email and parking to HR policies and professional development opportunities, these are the resources you need most.
Notice something missing? Email to suggest an addition.
Employment and benefits
- Benefits
- Holiday calendar
- Work/life and well-being
- Faculty and staff job listings
- VCU Health System job listings
- Employee relations
- ADA and Accessibility Services
- Talent@VCU: Online portal for learning, performance management and career development
- Division of Human Resources
- VCU Health System Human Resources
Getting around campus
- Maps and directions
- RamRide: Free shuttle service between the MCV Campus and VCU’s remote parking facilities
- Parking and transportation
Health and safety
- VCU Alert
- VCU Police
- COVID-19 information and health advisories
- Employee Health Services
- Lactation rooms
- RamStrong: a collective health and well-being resource
- Recreation and Well-Being
- Safety and Risk Management
Training and professional development
- VCU Training portal
- LinkedIn Learning
- Community engagement
- Career development
- Grace E. Harris Leadership Institute
- IExcel Education (diversity and inclusion training)
Business needs
- Office of Procurement Services
- Chrome River: VCU’s online travel expense reimbursement tool
- Accounts payable
- Training
Technology needs
- Technology Services
- fixIT: VCU’s in-house computer resource, located in the RamTech store
- RamTech: VCU’s computer store located on the Monroe Park Campus
- Campus Technology Guide
University policies and more
Employee organizations
- Faculty Senate
- Staff Senate
- University Council: Serves to aid communication and understanding among the faculty, staff, students and administration, and helps the president develop and evaluate university programs and policies
- Retired Faculty Council
- Black Education Association
For faculty
- Faculty Affairs
- VCU Libraries
- Bulletins: VCU’s official academic catalogs
- Canvas
- Classroom AV support
- RAMS Systems: Online system to submit grant proposals for review
- Faculty handbook
- Faculty One-Stop
- Promotion and tenure policies and procedures
- Schedule of classes
- VCU Online for Faculty: Helps faculty learn to incorporate technology and innovation into their classrooms
- Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence
- Textbook adoption
For new hires
Quick facts
- 26,000+ Employees at VCU and VCU Health System
- 12,154 University employees
- 2,441 Full-time faculty